The Thing from Another World (1951) – The Sci-Fi Horror Classic That Started It All!
Watch the skies, everywhere! Keep looking. Keep watching the skies! – The Thing from Another World (1951) The Thing from...
Watch the skies, everywhere! Keep looking. Keep watching the skies! – The Thing from Another World (1951) The Thing from...
If nuclear testing continues, then someday, somewhere in the world, another Godzilla may appear. – Godzilla (1954) Godzilla (1954) Giant...
Only the king and his Lord Marshall carry this key! Today on Classic Movie Review, we are taking on Krull...
Your salvation doesn’t interest me; mine does. Hello to all of the classic people that are returning. I am glad...
Fish, plankton, sea greens… protein from the sea! Today on Classic Movie Rev, we are taking on Logan’s Run (1976)....
Greetings, Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada....
Dr. David Anderson Talks Science Fiction for Archaeology and the Movies Series Dr. David Anderson Talks Science Fiction for Archaeology...
What kind of sense does that make? Is sugar a rare cargo? Is there a black market for it? Did...
Another one of them new worlds. No beer, no women, no pool parlors, nothin’. Nothin’ to do but throw rocks...
Oh, well, I think it would be – The Men! I just feel marvelous. I mean it’s just a warm,...
You know of course that by 22:31:06, the crew will be dead. Today’s movie is Marooned (1969). This movie is...
Hey, Dr. Kelloway. Funny thing happened on the way to Mars. Some people believe the moon landings were faked. Those...
The war between the east and west which is now in it’s three hundred and twenty-sixth year Today’s movie is...
Gort, Klaatu barada nikto Today’s movie is The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951). Directed by Robert Wise, this is...
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